Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Orly's Opinion - Tying it all Together

“So what does all this mean? Well, for starters there is one commonality between millennials, Gen-Xers and baby boomers. They idealize the value of respect, positivity, friendliness and collective growth in the work place. But that's where the similarity ends. The degree to which different age groups accept that these attributes are absent in their work environment differs tremendously. For millennial, they will not take a job if the atmosphere is hostile period. For these young professionals, respect is expected not earned. For Gen-Xers, the preference is a friendly, positive team-oriented work environment but will make the best of a difficult situation or rather put up with a small degree of abuse if the position offers enough individual growth potential, challenge and prestige. The boomers are mostly untested in the bottom line. As much as friendliness, respect and collective harmony are wonderful attributes, it doesn't necessarily pay the bills. What's most essential is whether or not the job pays enough to support their families in the manner to which they have been accustomed. Their work ethos is slightly harsher. No one told them it was gonna be easy out there. Nobody promised them respect and team spirit. They grew up in a different time. It's a place where respect was earned and sometimes you didn't get what you deserved. And if that's the case, they are willing to put up with negativity and lack of respect. But only to the point where it doesn't get in the way of financial gain.

So how do we make sense of all of this? I would suggest that we take a look at how companies treat employees. Businesses should begin devising strategies about how to create atmospheres that have it all in a manner of speaking. Once we recognize that the tables have now turned and that employers have to earn the respect of their employees if they want to keep them around we might be able to re-instill a degree of company loyalty. There is no other alternative. The new up and coming professionals are taking a mercenary approach to employment. People aren't waiting around for company watches anymore. Nobody cares if their supervisor loves them. If the work place doesn't change to reflect the values of young talented professionals there will be a severe talent deficit by the year 2010. Only the adaptable organizations will benefit from all of this.”

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