Monday, September 10, 2007

Orly's Opinion - Millennials

“I interviewed 6 male subjects from the ages 20 to 26 about work place satisfaction. I call this cohort the millennial group.

The majority of respondents agreed that a happy atmosphere was most important to them. Yet, they couldn't tangibly define what one looked like. They did however describe a work place that was 'unhappy'. According to millennial, it's a disrespectful environment where co-workers are verbally abusive, cannot get along with one another and bosses were micro-managing. So I assumed that being given respect is why millennial would stay at their jobs. But that's not necessarily the case. According to millennial responses, the reasons they left previous jobs had little to do with lack of respect.

The first respondent was offered a more challenging career opportunity, another wanted a position with pay consistency, one even left to have more fun with another company and another just needed more scheduling flexibility. Only 1 of the 6 left due to lack of respect.

So does this mean for millennial respect isn't the most essential component of a happy work place? Not at all. I would argue that while it's still a top priority, it's far from being the only significant component of work place satisfaction. Happiness seems to encompass far more than the absence of conflict and abuse. And yes, while respect is a clearly a reflection of the millennial work ethos, it's not the deal-breaker when it comes to retaining these young talented professionals. It only lures them in for a while. Keeping them around is a whole other story.”

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